Sunday, 24 June 2012

Yasminah (City of Diamond)

Location: Western coast on the Azure Sea and Golden Gulf
Sheik: Kuduzsullush al-Darvasha
Vazier: Mohatmar ibn-Artesh
The city of Yasminah is unofficially the capital of the Caliphate although those of Shushan would debate this. It is certainly where the sheiks, muftis and other orders have been gathering on an irregular basis since the rule of the last Caliph. It is as such a busy metropolis; many powerful bazaari and orders maintain a large presence in the city. It is also home to a small but growing cult called the Mehdi (martyrs) who are famed for their suicidal but effective attacks on the powerful who are deemed not to adhere sufficiently to the Holy Scriptures. It is the subject of much speculation as to who the Mehdi's leaders and backers are with some believing the Sheik himself responsible and others believing it is a mufti plot against the Sheik instead. The city is almost on the verge of civil war due to the rivalries of various high born families and some muftis are known to stir the pot with powerful tirades against the corruption in the city. Rumours of an elemental portal allowing Djinn to travel to the mortal plane and sow discord amongst the people is a common topic in the coffee houses.

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