Sunday, 24 June 2012

Bazaari (Merchants)

The free-wheeling merchants of the Caliphate loosely organise themselves into the Bazaari network. Each city has its own grouping of Bazaari who meet on a regular basis at the coffee houses to discuss matters of economics and politics. Together they control the vital spaces of the bazaar (marketplace), the caravans that travel along the roads and riversides and the ships that sail to ports near and far. They guard their rights through the powerful economic levers at their disposal and whilst they are an open order and have no permanently elected leaders they conduct ad-hoc missions to sheiks and foreign lords and decide upon the applications of new members through democratic straw-polling. These straw polls are often influenced by merchants who are prominent, well-liked or resourceful. There is a strong shame / pride culture amongst the Bazaari and a strong role for hospitality especially of the far travelling stranger. You never know when the stranger in your lands will become the friend to your distant caravan.

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