Sunday, 24 June 2012

High Born (Rulers)

The familial clans of the sheiks and their vaziers have long held tight the reigns of power throughout the Caliphate. They jealously guard knowledge of the arcane and enforce a strict religious code throughout the land forbidding those outside their caste from dabbling in forbidden lore. In principle this is to avoid the dangers of poorly schooled wizards unleashing terrible magics or becoming unwitting pawns in the games of the Elemental Princes. However, there is a good deal of self-preservation in their jealous stranglehold of the reigns of power.
Each of the cities has anything from half a dozen to tens of high-born families who are constantly jostling for power and defending the honour of their families. The strongest families are called the Holy Quadamite who trace their ancestors back to one of the Prophets:, the families of Al-Fardur, al-Darvasha, Cyrusia and Maryami. Some of the head of these high-born families hold the title Sheik of one of the jewelled cities, others are prominent in the various orders or the Majlis of others.

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