Sunday, 24 June 2012

Majlis (Parliament of Wizards)

Whilst the sheiks are the eminent authorities of each city, they entrust much of the day to day running of their lands to the Majlis, a parliament of high-born wizards who in turn elect a Vazier to lead them every five years. Each city's Majlis varies in size and structure, with some cities having a collegiate atmosphere whilst others divided along partisan political lines. Occasionally, a Majlis will overstep its authority and the Sheik will close it down for a time until the high born understand who pulls the strings in his cities. It has even been known for a young, inexperienced or disinterested Sheikh to vest most of his own power with the Majlis. Such cuckolded sheiks rarely prosper but the ambitions of a powerful Vazier can work to the good or bad of the people.
Majlis are not elected bodies and their members are drawn from the greatest high born families by consensus of the existing members and the Sheik's will. Membership is as much a reward for good citizenship as it is a way to give ownership to otherwise troublesome and powerful wizards.
The Majlis, despite being a fraternity of wizards isn't a learning institution for young wizards. The high born educate their own children privately through tutors who earn varying wages based on their renown and ability.

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