Sunday, 24 June 2012

Bahari (Desert Nomads)

The nomadic tribes of the desert plains called the Bahari are a hospitable people who travel from one oasis to the next, setting up makeshift camps and trading with the caravans that pass them by. Their lives are dedicated to raising sheep and goats for sustenance and they lay claim to the wilderness between the cities and beyond the farmlands of the river deltas. They protect these rights in a fearsome manner and many a sheik has been humbled by the raiding parties of their Dervish warriors whose spinning acrobatics and powerful prayers have routed better armed opponents time and time again. They are devout worshippers of the One Divine and merciless to those heretics and sub-humans that cross their paths or think they can find shelter at their oasis. Whilst their numbers are not what they once were, the greatest threat to the Bahari comes from the lure of the cities to their young who seek a new life beyond simple subsistence or constant travel.

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