Sunday, 24 June 2012

Parviz (City of Emerald)

Location: Northern coast of the Golden Gulf
Sheik: Tamatsu al-Mahmudi
Vazier: The Veiled One
The city of Parviz lies on a natural bay in-between the cliffs overlooking the Golden Gulf. Its great docks are famous for the dhows they build to order for those bazaari that can afford them as well as the green vines that rise and cover its sea-walls. Besides the famous shipyards of the city, it is also home to one of the great wonders of the ancient Ankivari: the Tower of Light, a looming structure on a small island not far off the coast, that may have acted as either a lighthouse or portal to the Elemental planes during the Heresy. Despite being abandoned and unused for hundreds of years, it is still a potent reminder of the dark powers preying on the people and many a soul has been lost venturing inside. It is no rumour that Umbrian sea raiders make a habit of preying on ships leaving the city as the Golden Gulf is their hunting grounds and few dare to venture into the water without a suitable regiment of hired swords.

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